In our last update we mentioned that there was some discussion within the group about having a cookery club as a more informal way of getting our members together on a regular basis, but after some consideration this idea proved to be difficult to arrange in practice as we couldn't find a space big enough for everyone to cook in! So, as a compromise we decided to arrange our first vegan potluck, and lucky for us we managed to coincide this with a housewarming for one of our newest members, Daniel. Last Saturday (July 3rd), a bunch of us made some delicious vegan food and congregated in Daniel's new pad for a lovely evening of drinking, sampling vegan culinary delights and chatting, and with the success of this first potluck we have decided to make it a monthly affair.
The date for the next potluck will be Saturday August 14th 2010, with the time and venue yet to be confirmed. Details will be updated as and when we get them on the facebook page so keep checking it regularly. And don't forget to spread the word to any fellow veg-heads about joining the group. It really is a great way to make new friends. :)
That's all for now, folks!
Cheers and vegan hugs!
Donna and Petrina.